Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Janet Foster

Program Specialist, Goodwill Industries of Arkansas
joined about 5 years ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

Keeping participants engaged, motivated, and committed to their career pathway. And having them to place the effort in working towards reaching their goals no matter how short or long the goal is. Some participants get discouraged and start to second guess themselves about everything. That’s difficult. The success comes when you’re able to get the participant to get back on track even if the career pathway changes some and they go on to succeed and accomplish their goal. 

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

I would utilizing O'net with all my clients that come into the career center. And I would be able to use the information that I received from the chamber of commerce with the industry that already in place plus with the businesses that is coming into the area. I would also be able to use the information from the U.S Department of Labor ( local employment office).

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

I would contact the chamber of commerce to get a list and find out what are the largest industries in the area. I would also at the same time get a list of the new companies that are coming into the area. I will be able to see what we have already in the area and gage what industries are moving into the area at the same time.