Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Kate Shotkoski

Employment Specialist, Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska, Inc.
joined almost 5 years ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Job Analysis

They could have been useful when presenting program ideas to the CEO and wanting to draft grant proposals for future expanded programing to further serve our clients. 

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

I would view our quarterly labor market data report for industry specific sectors that have not reclaimed their  workforce since the COVID pandemic. Our unemployment rate does not reflect the need for workers in my region, so I would see which industries are still in extreme labor shortages. 

Posted in Data Experts

I am actually a current employee of a Goodwill Job Connection which allows me convenient access to timely data 

Posted in Strategies for Addressing Communication Challenges

During COVID peak, I was working from home while part of my team was still working in the office. Trying to maintain a sense of unity and understanding was difficult. Oftentimes I felt I was being left out of important decisions, or that my job was going to be eliminated. Once I was able to come back to the office I didn't feel welcomed anymore and I stopped verbally communicating with most of the staff. After a while I talked with the CEO and explained how I was feeling and she was surprised because she didn't realize that me being separated had disconnected me so much from the team that I felt as though I didn't have a place anymore. 

Posted in Best Practices in Critical Thinking

I work in a field that I am constantly needing to utilize empathy and open mindedness. I have clients from all walks of life, dealing with every type of situation imaginable and I do not always know what is best, or can even begin to think I do. Being able to meet them where they are at and be open to various options is the best way to serve my clients.