Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Marie Darsey

Career Center Manager, COLUMBUS, GA Goodwill Industries of The Southern Rivers, Inc.
joined about 4 years ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Strategies for Addressing Communication Challenges

There was a time that I assumed that someone coming to me to vent was looking for a solution or advice, when in reality all they wanted me to do was listen. I have learned to let the other person do all of the talking unless they specifically ask me for input.  

Posted in Strategies for Facilitating Difficult Meeting Conversations

Submitting the agenda ahead of time allows the stakeholders to anticipate the items / subjects to be discussed and also gives them the opportunity to think through any questions or points of discussion prior to the meeting. I would also give each stakeholder an opportunity to share their talking points and encourage less vocal members to share as well.

Posted in Inspiring Leader Attributes

Think of a leader you know who was able to inspire and motivate key stakeholders. Briefly describe the situation and include two or three factors that made this leader so successful.
Situation:  Starting a state commissioned charter school
  • Strong communication skills
  • Provided academic statistical data demonstrating the need for alternative, quality instruction through a school of choice
  • Actual personal experience as a student and then a teacher in one of the school systems involved.

Posted in Use and Communication of Job Analysis in Regional Sector Strategies

Job analysis will identify the skills that employer require to perform the jobs. It will benefit job seekers by identifying jobs that they are qualified to do and to identify training sites (educational institutions, internships, etc.) so they can gain the skills needed for their chosen occupational field.

Posted in Job Analysis

Job analysis would have enabled me to better guide my clients in their job search efforts and also help guide them through a desired career path. Many of my clients want positions that they are not qualified for, educationally or through experience.