Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Nancy Rogers

Workforce Advisor/Business Services Representative, FMS Private Industry Council/FMS Workforce Career Center
joined over 2 years ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

My biggest challenge is working with individuals who are re-entering the workforce following incarceration.  It is sometimes difficult to get employers on board with giving the individual a second chance.
On the success side, it would be an individual who wanted a complete career change and tried something new, successfully completed OJT and found the new career to be rewarding both emotionally and financially. 

Posted in Best Practices in Critical Thinking

The greatest leader I've work for was respectful, transparent, and trustworthy.  She lead by example and was focused and accountable which inspired the same in the team.

Posted in Inspiring Leader Attributes

The greatest leader I've work for was respectful, transparent, and trustworthy.  She lead by example and was focused and accountable which inspired the same in the team.